Customer Satisfaction

Our Approach to Product Safety and Quality

The Soken Group is taking proactive initiatives to enhance product safety and quality in accordance with the Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy, aligned with our corporate philosophy of driving innovation in chemistry and technology for a brighter future. Amid increasing demand for the regulation and management of chemical substances both at home and abroad, we are building structures to meet our customers' needs to better advance product development and ensure that the information we share is accurate.

Ensuring Reliable Delivery of Our Products

At the Soken Group, we have established a production structure dedicated to ensuring the reliable delivery of our products. At our domestic manufacturing sites, the Sayama and Hamaoka Offices, we are continuously optimizing production and logistics schedules to flexibly meet customer needs. We are also implementing these techniques and skills at our overseas subsidiaries to strengthen our global production structure. Furthermore, we are actively working on improvements in logistics, aiming to create even more reliable structures to deliver our products to our customers.

Earning the Trust and Confidence of Our Customers

We are committed to accommodating the diverse needs of our customers in order to provide products and services that meet and exceed their expectations. In particular, there has been an increasing demand for environmentally responsible manufacturing. We are focused on addressing this aspect to ensure that customers can feel confident when choosing our products.

Quality Improvement Initiatives

With the shift towards a decarbonized society, changes in social trends, and revisions to legislation, the demands of our customers are becoming increasingly diverse. Among them, there is a growing need to be transparent regarding the CO2 emissions per unit generated by each of our products. Therefore, we are preparing to calculate and provide data on the CO2 emissions per unit for each of our products. We are also committed to enhancing our service as part of our quality improvement efforts.

Quality Assurance Training

To create high-quality products and services, we are implementing training programs aimed at enhancing each employee's awareness of quality. Based on this hierarchical quality-based training, we have initiated e-learning courses such as "Introduction to the Five Whys Technique" in addition to conventional group training sessions. Moving forward, we plan to further expand the use of e-learning to strengthen our quality-related educational efforts.

Quality Assurance Training
Quality Assurance Training

Quality Inspections

We conduct quality inspections to actively prevent nonconformities in product quality. By inspecting the manufacturing and testing sites, we aim to identify factors that could potentially affect product quality. This proactive approach allows us to discover and prevent potential issues, contributing to the improvement of the work environment and ensuring the highest standards in our products.

Quality Inspections
Quality Inspections