Quality and Environmental Management System

All departments across the Soken Group are committed to environmentally friendly activities in line with our Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy, which we implement using an integrated management system that combines our quality and environmental management systems.
As part of our initiatives under the Quality and Environmental Management System, we are committed to elevating awareness of energy conservation across the organization. We aim to promote effective energy management by introducing an energy monitoring system and improving business processes with a focus on energy conservation. Our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and make efficient use of natural resources are part of our dedication to minimizing our environmental impact. As a company committed to environmental issues, we aspire to contribute to creating a more sustainable society.

Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy

Basic Policy

As an R&D-oriented company, we are dedicated to preserving the global environment while, at the same time, providing innovative, useful products in all of our business endeavors, which include high-performance products such as pressure-sensitive adhesives, fine particles, and performance materials, as well as processed products derived from them. We strive to achieve the satisfaction of all our stakeholders by duly fulfilling our obligations to society in compliance with domestic and international regulations, upholding high ethical standards, and using good common sense.

Action Policies

  • Providing High-Quality, Innovative Products
    We aim to become an indispensable partner for our customers by anticipating their needs and developing new products and applications with our proprietary technology and expertise.
  • Improving Customer Satisfaction
    We aim to improve customer satisfaction by enhancing employee satisfaction and improving through the operation of our Quality and Environmental Management System.
  • Creating an Enduring Sustainable Society
    We are committed to combating global warming through energy-saving activities and embracing the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) of resource circulation.
  • Preserving the Global Ecosystem
    In every aspect of our business, we take into account the preservation of the environment, including natural ecosystems and biodiversity, and strive to prevent pollution and accidents caused by chemical substances.

Quality and Environmental Management System Promotion Structure

The overall management of the Quality and Environmental Management System is overseen by a Quality and Environmental Management Leader appointed by the President. Each department head sets the direction of their department's activities in compliance with the Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy and engages in quality and environmental management activities accordingly.

Quality and Environmental Management System Promotion Organizational Chart

Quality and Environmental Management System Promotion Organizational Chart

Material Flow

We assess our environmental impact by tracking all raw materials, energy, and water resources used in our corporate and production capacities ("input"), as well as the total amount of production, emissions, and recycling ("output"). By continuing to integrate improvements to our use of resources, we aspire to transition into more efficient production operations.


Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

The Sayama and Hamaoka offices are audited for legal compliance by a third-party professional organization. We are working to strengthen compliance by incorporating advice and recommendations from experts and checking for any oversight in compliance with mandatory laws and regulations. Additionally, in an effort to maintain and improve legal compliance, we systematically provide legal knowledge training for each department.