Chemical Management

We are committed to the following management of chemical substances.

  • Preventing health hazards for employees handling chemical substances
  • Guaranteeing safe products for customers
  • Compliance with domestic and international environmental laws and regulations
  • Providing our customers with information on chemical substances contained in our products to reduce environmental impact

Preventing Health Hazards for Employees Handling Chemical Substances

At Soken, we invariably obtain safety data sheets (SDSs) from the raw material manufacturers whenever handling chemical substances. We conduct rigorous risk assessments of these chemicals*1, implementing appropriate measures as necessary to mitigate risks.
Additionally, when transitioning from development to the prototyping and production stages, we reassess the risks of the chemicals involved, executing more suitable risk reduction measures for these stages.

  • *1Our chemical risk assessments are not limited to the substances specified in the Industrial Safety and Health Act and extend to all raw materials we use.

Guaranteeing Safe Products for Customers

At Soken, we utilize a chemical management system to classify chemical substances into GHS categories based on SDSs obtained from raw material manufacturers and hazard information on chemical substances. Using the classification results, we provide SDSs to ensure the safe handling of our products by our customers. Products are properly labeled and sold to customers. For exports, we also provide SDSs and labeling in accordance with the environmental laws and regulations of the country concerned.

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

We conduct applicability assessments of environmental laws and regulations at the development stage and notify the necessary authorities as appropriate.
Information pertaining to the applicability assessments of environmental laws and regulations is managed centrally in the chemical management system. For exports, we assess the applicability of environment-related laws and regulations at the development stage or planning of export operations and notify the necessary authorities in accordance with the environment-related laws and regulations of the country concerned.

Main Domestic Environmental Laws and Regulations

  • Act on the Regulation of Manufacture and Evaluation of Chemical Substances
  • Industrial Safety and Health Act
  • Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act

Main Overseas Environmental Laws and Regulations

  • China: Measures for Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances
  • Korea: The Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals (K-REACH)
  • Taiwan: Regulations of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration
  • United States: Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

Providing our customers with information on chemical substances contained in our products to reduce environmental impact

Currently, international regulations on chemical substances are becoming more stringent. Therefore, companies that handle chemical substances are required to understand the substances they use and take measures to consider their environmental impact. At Soken, we have implemented a chemical management system to collectively manage SDSs obtained from raw material manufacturers and information on chemical substances contained in products (e.g., chemSHERPA*) to monitor chemical substances contained in our products. We then provide our customers with information on the chemical substances contained in our products.

  • *chemSHERPA: an information-sharing scheme provided by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry, focusing on chemical substances contained in products throughout the supply chain.
Chemical Management Flowchart
Chemical Management Flowchart