Disclosure Policy

Information Disclosure Policy

Soken Chemical & Engineering Co., Ltd. ("Soken") discloses information based on the rules for timely disclosure of company information as stipulated by laws and regulations, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Securities Listing Regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Japanese "timely disclosure rules").
Any information not required by the above rules on timely disclosure will be disclosed by us in light of timeliness and fairness if we deem this information to help our investors make informed financial decisions.

Method of Information Disclosure

Disclosure of material information prescribed in the rules for timely disclosure will be made through TDnet, a timely disclosure system provided by the TSE ("TDnet"). Information disclosed on TDnet will also be disclosed promptly via the Soken corporate website.
Voluntary disclosure of other useful information not required by the timely disclosure rules will also be made through the Soken corporate website and other platforms.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements of information disclosed by Soken other than historical facts are forward-looking statements based on plans, expectations, and judgments deemed reasonable. These forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results and achievements to differ from those anticipated in these statements.

Quiet Periods

To prevent the leakage of financial results and ensure fairness in information disclosure, Soken generally observes a quiet period before an announcement of business results. The quiet period is from the day after the closing date until the date on which earnings are announced each quarter. During this period, we refrain from responding to questions or commenting on financial results and performance forecasts. However, if it is expected that performance forecasts will change significantly during this period, we will disclose information in accordance with timely disclosure rules as deemed appropriate.