Message from Leadership

Koji Tomita President

At Soken, we believe in our potential to drive innovations in chemistry and technology for a brighter future.

Koji Tomita President

Soken was founded in 1948 with the ambition of using chemical expertise to contribute to Japan's postwar reconstruction. Since the outset, we have been guided by our philosophy of excellence and social impact, however small. Our mission is to drive social progress by delivering technologies and products of high added value as we engage in ongoing research and development to address social challenges and adapt to the changing times.

The Soken Group is expanding its business across a wide range of industrial sectors and extending its reach overseas, particularly in Asia, in two key domains: chemicals, which comprises pressure-sensitive adhesives, fine particles, performance materials, and specially coated products; and equipment and systems, which covers plant engineering, heating media, and maintenance. Though many of our products and services may not be visible to the average consumer, they are indispensable to a wide range of applications that enrich people's lives across the globe.

Continuous innovation and evolution are essential to address the increasing diversity and complexity of customer needs and social challenges, including recent global environmental issues. The Soken Group will remain steadfast in the face of change and continue to refine our distinct technology and product development capabilities. By creating business domains focused on environmental and social issues and transforming our business structure, we aim to chart new paths for growth, hand in hand with social progress.

We hope to enjoy your continued support and encouragement as we move forward.